We provide your one-stop solutions for


Embrace the future of manufacturing with our advanced technology and data-driven approaches. From increased efficiency to improved quality control, experience the full potential of a smart factory with Rozitek.

Contact us today to receive free consultant and demonstration.

High maintenance and operational costs


Workforce challenges; Labor-intensive


Lack of real-time data; Inconsistent information


Inflexibility; Limited scalability


Lower operational costs


Improved workforce utilization; Decreased labor-intensive


Real-time data analytics; Synchoroned information


Flexibility and customization; Unlimited scalability





Welcome to Rozitek, your destination for a one-stop smart factory solution.

We specialize in freeing workers from repetitive tasks, reducing errors, and optimizing productivity with real-time information management.

Our experienced technical team ensures customized solutions tailored to your unique requirements, incorporating software integration, IIoT, and Robotics.

With Software systems, Smart Autonomous Mobile Robots, and Cobots, our smart factory solution brings automation and precision to your production floor, delivering seamless implementations and tangible results for your business success.

Contact us now for a free consultation and personalized factory demonstration. Embrace the power of a fully integrated smart factory with Rozitek.

The perfect partner for factories beginning the automation journey

Welcome to the realm of innovation with Rozitek Smart Factory Solutions – where the concept of a “smart factory” comes to life.

In an era where automation drives efficiency and growth, Rozitek emerges as the guiding light for factories aspiring to initiate their automation journey. Our holistic approach offers the perfect launchpad for those seeking to transition into a smarter, more efficient future.

With a comprehensive array of solutions designed to address every challenge, Rozitek takes the lead in transforming aspirations into reality. Whether you’re taking your first steps or looking to optimize existing processes, our fully integrated solutions ensure seamless operations, solving customer problems at every turn.

Join us as we redefine manufacturing excellence, one smart factory at a time.

Raw Material Arrival

Incoming Quality Control (IQC)

Raw Material Inbound

Raw Material Outbound

Material Transferring

Product Transferring

Product Storage

Tote Inbound/ Outbound

Pallet Outbound


Rozitek’s Smart Factory Solution Structure is a comprehensive framework that transforms your manufacturing facility into an agile, intelligent, and adaptive operation. The key layers of this structure include:

  • Enterprise Layer: ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) – The foundational layer that manages business-critical functions such as inventory, procurement, and financials.
  • Production Layer: MES (Manufacturing Execution System) and WMS (Warehouse Management System) – These systems oversee production processes, ensuring efficient resource allocation and timely order fulfillment.
  • Middleware Layer: RIM (Rozitek Integrated Midware) – The heart of the integration, RIM seamlessly connects diverse devices, algorithms, and protocols, driving efficient data exchange.
  • Supervisory Control Layer: Robot Control System (RCS) – This layer orchestrates the actions of robots and devices, enabling centralized control and monitoring.
  • Executive Layer: AMRs, Cobots, Smart Cameras – The physical layer where automation takes place, optimizing tasks and enhancing productivity.

If you’re ready to take the next step towards creating a smarter, more efficient factory, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our expert team. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and explore how Rozitek can tailor our solutions to meet your specific needs.


Decreasing 60% Labour cost

Increasing 200% Pick rates

Decreasing 50% Picking errors

Increasing 300% Throughput

Ready to take the first step toward a smart future?

Please reach out to us today to schedule a consultation with our experts. Let’s talk about how our Smart Factory solutions can be customized to meet your unique needs and propel your business into the Industry 4.0 era.



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